About the Journal

The Verrocchio Project journal is a peer-review academic journal published by PKP and supported by NYIT SoAD, IDC Foundation and the Green Hub Association for Resilient Communities.

It is an open access biennial publication alternatively edited by the editor in chief and a guest editor.

Each issue of the journal is thematically based and linked to a specific topic or event related to architectural exaptation.

The journal publishes radical research papers that present new research findings and provides a platform for discussion relating to diverse areas of creativity.

The journal focuses on the significance and the originality of the study of the exaptation as a possibility to extend the architectural design taxonomy.

Exaptation is a functional shift of a structure that already had a prior but different function. In architecture, a functional shift of a structure that already had a function may apply to both change of function of tectonic elements and change of use of the architectural space, and to forms of decorative elements embedded in architectural components.

It is expected that an extension of the architectural design towards exaptation concepts can contribute to a more sustainable approaches aimed at enforcing urban resilience.

The architectural interpretation of exaptation’s concepts corroborates the heuristic value of the cross-disciplinary studies on biology and architecture, which seems even more relevant in times of global environmental crises.

The journal aims at illustrating case studies and best practices, from around the globe, looking at different civilisations and from diverse historical periods, ranging from the urban to the architectural scale.

Such examples will highlight the potential and latent human creativity capacity to change the use and functions that cities and buildings as an outcome product of the associative thinking could offer when facing crises.

The journal offers a radical perspective to look at the architecture, which represents an opportunity to re-think the manner in which we design and redesign our cities.


  1. Encourage collaborative research and research leadership. Create research opportunities for Early Career Researchers and graduated students; create editorial opportunities for career development (peer reviews, article reviews, and guest editorship).
  2. Promote the ARCHITECTURAL EXAPTATION culture. Maximise the research outputs linked to ARCHITECTURAL EXAPTATION (including the promotion of Lectures, events, symposia and related proceeding).
  3. Networking opportunities/ exchange with other universities/ scholars/ journals.
  4. Bring out what is submerged as an opportunity to make outstanding students works visible and create an element of attractiveness for master’s students.
  5. Possibility to promote a transdisciplinary culture.